Samstag, 17. September 2011

5. Mandala

This evening I rediscovered something I like very much but haven't done in a while: Mandalas. I felt I needed a bit of peace and meditation. Just me, the mandala - and the sound of my spinning washing machine (too lazy to close the door).
I enjoyed very much painting it.

Note: I got the mandala from this website:
Originally it was published in this book: Rüdiger Dahlke: Mandalas der Welt. Ein Meditations- und Malbuch. Heyne Bücher, 1985.

By the way: the website is definitely worth visiting it! REALLY!!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wow, this really is beautiful! I like the colours you used! (Especially those little yellow parts - somehow, I always need yellow in pictures, but this is already enough.^^)
    And thanks for the link, there're quite a few gems on that site. I should do this more often myself. :)
