Dienstag, 20. September 2011

8. Beaded Flower

Today I gathered my beads around me and created a beaded flower as a brooch for my new hat (can't wait to wear it =) ).

Besides, I learned two more origami flowers:
I like the white one very much. It looks  a bit like a karambola (star fruit). Again I was impressed what one can do out of one piece of paper. And especially that I can do it too ;) Even when I'm stuck at one of the last steps and the instruction says: ...now do this and that and with a plopp everything will fall into the right place - ehmm.. yes... But in the end somehow it works (well, at least if we forget about the rose I tried yesterday ;) ).

1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh my...! This is positively gorgeous!! Are you telling me you made this? I'm amazed!
    And it looks really great on the hat, too!
    You know, should you ever decide that psychology doesn't work for you anymore, you should consider starting a business with beaded brooches - you might wanna add some rings and necklaces and the like, but that surely has got some potential! ;)
