Samstag, 14. Januar 2012

94. Pancake. Or: A new beginning.

This pancake should actually be the first flower after my break. I was making pancakes and all of a sudden I had the feeling that it was the perfect time to start again. I was really happy.

The next day I forgot to make a flower. This was so shattering that I gave up again. I was so upset because I wasn't even able to follow my new decision for more than one day...

So now here's my second second try. Maybe this time it will work. Hopefully!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Juhuuu, die Blumen sind wieder da =)

    Witzig, dass das Blumenmuster tatsächlich auch beim fertig gebackenen Pfannkuchen noch zu sehen ist. Eigentlich eine schöne Verzierungsart. Mach ich demnächst auch mal :D
